Now that you have read the books, it is your job to vote for your favourite book and add a comment. Post it on the blog and we will reveal the winners at a later date. e.g. I vote for Amazing Grace because I liked seeing which stories she enjoyed and acted out.
I like Aaaarrr spider because it was very spidery! My favourite bit was when the family threw her out because it made me laugh. It was good when the family made her happy at the end by bringing all of her friends.
The illustrations for the book were good. I liked the sparkly ones best.
13/3/2014 04:33:01 pm
My favourite book was Hairy Mclary from Donaldson"s dairy because
I liked scarface claw.
14/3/2014 04:59:19 am
I liked aaaaggrr spider because it was funny
14/3/2014 09:33:35 pm
I vote for Hairy Maclary because I think it was funny when the cat just meowed and the dogs where scared.I also liked the dogs names because they were unusual and really funny. I liked the pictures of the dogs sniffing the bins they made me laugh. It is better than the other books because it was a fun story that I really enjoyed.
15/3/2014 03:05:26 am
I vote for hairy maclary , this is a book about friends , the best bit in the book is when scar face claw scares the dogs away. This is because he is marking his territory, in the picture he looks really really scary.
16/3/2014 01:27:39 am
I vote for argh spider because I liked the sparkley webs he made.
16/3/2014 02:30:55 am
I chose Hary Mclairy because it is funy in the way that the cat
scares the dogs and they all run back to there beds
16/3/2014 04:26:30 am
My favourite book is Aaargghh Spider! because the spider was a good dancer and a good washer and it made sparkly webs.
17/3/2014 05:51:36 am
I vote for harie mclarie because it is quite funny